Saturday, July 26, 2014

Happy 27 weeks!!!

Well, another week has come and gone and we have officially made it to 27 weeks and the third trimester! This week has been fairly quiet, however, we did have a growth ultrasound yesterday to check the babies' growth. Unfortunately, they aren't growing quite as quickly as I'd like them to. Baby A is 2 pounds (no change since 11 days ago) Baby B is up to 2.2 pounds and Baby C is up to 2.1 pounds. My doctor assured me that there is room for error in the measurements and he wasn't overly concerned since the babies are still getting the appropriate blood flow and have great fluid levels. Please say an extra prayer for them that they start picking up some weight. My doctor says that we are going to keep them in as long as everything keeps looking good!
In other news (as my gee says), I had a lovely date night with my honey last night! We had a delicious dinner consisting of a salad, homemade lasagna, and cookies courtesy of Momma McFarland (thank you so much) and then Michael did my nails for me! He actually did a very good job after some trial and error! I tell you, I hit the husband jackpot. Not many men would paint their wife's nails. Thanks again honey! I was also very happy to have him here with me when Dr.Stoessel went over the ultrasound results this morning.
Well, that's really all that I have for this week. I will keep everyone updated if there are any changes as we make our way to the next big milestone of 28 weeks! Thanks again for all the prayers and kind words after last weeks blog! It's great to have so many family and friends who care! Hugs to all of you until next time!

Saturday, July 19, 2014

Happy 26 Weeks!!!

Today is the day that our babies having been baking for exactly 26 weeks! Hurray! Every day is a blessing! For those of you who may not be up to date on everything that has happened in the last 18 days, let me catch you up to speed. On July 1st, we went in to my MFM (aka - high risk doctor) for our normal 2 week check up. The babies had really grown, but during the cervix check they found that my cervix was starting to funnel (aka- open up from the inside) and baby A's head was putting pressure on it. They quickly hooked me up to the contraction machine to see if I was having any contractions and sure enough, I was. Keep in mind that I had worked all day and never felt a thing! This was a routine doctor's appointment after all, or so I thought! When I was done on the monitor, we got to meet with Dr. Stoessel (best MFM ever). He reviewed the babies' sizes with us and told us that my cervix was funneling and had gotten shorter. He thought this could be due to the contractions I was having and told us to go to Tradition hospital immediately to be treated for preterm labor. Wow! Not the check up that I was hoping for! It was quite scary to hear. At this point, our babies were a mere 23 weeks and 3 days. They were no where near ready to be born! So, off we went to labor and delivery at Tradition hospital. After waiting quite a long time for a room, we were finally able to see my regular OB. They started an IV (after multiple attempts to get a vein) and gave me fluids and magnesium to stop the contractions. By now, my contractions were every minute and a half to two minutes. That hospital decided that they couldn't fix the situation and decided to have me transferred to St.Mary's. St.Mary's has a level 3 NCIU, so had the babies been born they would have had a higher chance for survival at the better hospital. So, after a lovely ambulance ride, in which my darling husband never separated from us, we made it to West Palm. I was first put on the labor and delivery floor, but was quickly moved to the antepartum floor. What a crazy night!l
Since that night, I have not left the hospital and it will be my home until I deliver. My cervix has further shortened, but has remained stable where it currently is. My FFN, the test that tells you how likely you are to go into labor in the next 2 weeks, came back negative on Thursday, so that was a blessing. Dr. Stoessel feels we are not at immediate threat to deliver these babies, so we haven't had to receive any steroid shots yet. Him and the nurses tell me that every day I manage to keep these little trouble makers in, is equivalent to 2 days that they won't have to spend in the NICU. Every day is awesome, but our next milestone to reach is 28 weeks! Please pray that we can make it. And thank you everyone for your kind words and all the prayers that you have already said for our little family. I'll try to keep.everyone updated through this blog as we get test results and make it a little further each day! Hospital bed rest and being over an hour away from your husband and family is not easy, but we are surviving! Michael and I even had our weekly date night last night when he stays overnight at the hospital with me. We had pizza and watched movies! I always look forward to Fridays and thank God every day for such a great husband! Well, I think I have written enough for one blog post. Please excuse any misspellings. I've written all of this on my nook while laying on my side in bed! Time to roll to my other side! Thanks for reading!