Monday, August 25, 2014

Happy 31 weeks plus 2 days!!!

Well, I am still pregnant! Today's ultrasound showed an unbelievable amount of growth which leads us to believe that the last ultrasound was incorrect. As of today, Baby A ( the princess) weighs 3 pounds and 10 ounces. That's a 10 ounce gain. Baby B is still the chunky one at 4 pounds and 3 ounces. That is an 11 ounce gain. Baby C which supposedly didn't grow at our last ultrasound is now up to 4 pounds which is a 15 ounce gain. This means that I now have 11 pounds and 13 ounces of baby inside of me and let me tell you, I feel like I am carrying that much. This is not to mention the 8-10 extra pounds that make up all the amniotic fluid and the 3 separate placentas! Whew! There is sure a lot going on in there.
After Dr. Stoessel discussed the weights and went over the report with me, he then decided to shock the heck out of me! I still can't wrap my head around it. As some of you know, I have been on magnesium sulfate for 8 weeks now in order to control my contractions. Typically, magnesium is only used for 24-48 hours but my body has tolerated it well and I have been through 123 bags of it thus far. Since I am quickly approaching 32 weeks, Dr.S said we would talk about going off of the magnesium on Friday or Saturday and see how my body handles it and if everything is okay he said I could go home!!!! At 32 weeks, I am able to deliver at our new hospital, Tradition Medical Center. For those of you who don't know, that's only 25-30 minutes from our house compared to over an hour at the hospital that I'm currently at. This would be such a blessing to be closer to home and I know Dr. S would have never mentioned it if he had any doubts. I'm trying not to get my hopes up, but I'm thankful to have something to look forward to this week. Being able to look forward to things and counting down the days until my next ultrasound or my next test are the biggest things that have gotten me through the last 8 weeks. I know the end is finally in sight and we will soon be holding 3 babies and living in our new house which will be done very soon!! Lots of exciting things going on and I just wanted to keep everyone updated. Please continue to pray for us and pray that my body will cooperate after I am taken off of the magnesium. Nothing would make me happier than to be able to spend the remainder of my pregnancy at home with my husband and my family and of course my very cute and cuddly cat!!


  1. Yay!!! So much more exciting!!!;) we'll cross our fingers!

  2. Go Super Mom.... You are so amazing. We have been praying for you guys NON STOP.... Believe it or not you have quite the following in the big town of Crewsville. Every day in that hospital is a blessing and an answered prayer. I hope you have a few more of them; Even though I'm sure your ready to be home right NOW! I'm sure Mike is being patient as ever. I know how much he wants to hold those babies. Which I must say I want to hold me some baby also... All in Gods time... Stay strong and I wish we had a way to count all the prayer circles and groups that are praying for you and the babies... See you guys soon.

  3. Just wanted to let you know that the Young's (on Hoeffner Lane, Michael's former neighbors, Kevin and Dianne) are keeping all 5 of you in our thoughts and prayers!
